Monday, November 16, 2015

On the Roof

A lot of recent events have occurred on the roof of my apartment in Union City. Some very good and some not so pleasant. Life continues to surprise me, yet despite everything that's happened or perhaps because of everything that has happened, I have to keep on living, I have to keep on making art.

Since I moved here in June, I knew I wanted to make a photograph on the roof but I couldn't decide what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to use my growing collection of cameras in some way. And so I began last week to make an attempt without knowing exactly what I was doing.

It started off kind of messy. At first, I wanted it messy. But as I stared at it, I felt as if it needed some kind of order (and I'd had enough chaos recently). Nice thing about this roof, I was able to leave it up for a while as I continued to think about it. Here's what I thought of the next day:

Of course, the next day after I finished setting it up, the wind picked up and started moving some of the pieces. I was able to get a few shots but soon gave up after getting frustrated by having to move the pieces back. So I took it down. Not ready to lose any pieces quite yet.

I hope that I'll be able to do a second round before it gets too cold. Although it might be interesting with some snow. Or frost.

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